The Future of Fat Loss is here!
Lose Inches of Fat from that Stubborn Area IN AS LITTLE AS 2 WEEKS
Are you plagued by one stubborn area of fat that no amount of dieting or exercise can reduce?
Call or email us today for a
826 Main St. E. Hamilton, ON
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Have you tried everything only to lose weight in your face, neck and bust… but still have a pouch of belly fat?
Verjú™ Laser is a Safe, Effective and Fast Way
to Remove Stubborn Fat Fast

- Doctor Supported
- No Side Effects or Adverse Events
- Guaranteed Results
- Non-Invasive
- FDA Approved
- Health Canada Approved
- Revolutionary Technology
- Zero Pain
- Zero Downtime
- Zero Surgery
- Zero Freezing
Used with great success in Europe and the U.S.A. We are one of the first clinics to offer this technology in Canada.
Proven Real-Life Results
Verjú™ safely causes the release of fatty lipids from inside fat cells. This causes the fat cells to shrink and collapse to a smaller size.
The result is a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and inch loss that can be measured.

About The Verjú™ System:
Contour Fat Loss Clinic, is excited to announce a revolutionary new medical and cosmetic treatment in non-invasive fat loss, the Verjú laser system. Based on Quantum Physics, the device uses a green diode laser. It is the only single modality, non-invasive treatment that is market cleared by the FDA and Health and Welfare Canada. Additionally it is the only fat loss device that has been proven effective by multiple level 1 clinical trials. The system involves a patented, line-generated beam that safely emulsifies the excess fat stored in adipose cells without destroying the actual cell. By releasing just the fat inside the cell and allowing your body to safely flush it out of the body, fat cells can revert to their normal, healthy, functioning state. This treatment, which was developed in the USA, has been used safely in the USA and Europe for several years on thousands of satisfied patients. Contour Fat Loss Clinic is one of the first to bring this technology to Canada.
“In eighteen minutes, the fat inside each adipose cell is emulsified in the targeted areas. allowing it to seep out of
each cell into the interstitial space surrounding the cells. The lymphatic system takes over, flushing the fat through the body. Some of the fat is used as fuel, while the majority is eliminated as waste in the urine”.
Up until now, the only way to remove these stubborn fat deposits was with Liposuction. This procedure involves killing fat cells, is invasive and has associated risks. Pain, swelling, bruising, soreness, and numbness are common experiences following Liposuction. There is no other non-invasive treatment on the market that is cleared to permanently reduce fat cells other than Verju. In contrast, fat cells are not destroyed by the green light waves of the Verju machine, but returned to their normal size and healthy state. There is no other non-invasive treatment on the market that is cleared to permanently reduce fat cells other than the Verju medical device.
Fat cells have important functions in the body, such as regulating core temperature and hormonal balance. If those fat cells are destroyed by having them removed with invasive procedures (such as Liposuction or freezing techniques), they will grow back in other areas of the body – typically in areas such as the back and upper arms. This will not happen with green light laser as it does not kill the cells, but reverts them to their natural state and size.
Some of the people who can benefit from the Verjú™ System:

Those who, despite exercise and dieting, cannot lose belly fat or excess around their middle section, thighs or upper arms.
• Women who want to drop a dress size or two quickly. For instance a bride that wants to shed a few inches before looking for a gown (and/or the mother and bridesmaids).
• Women or men who want a more sculpted look on specific areas of their body for aesthetic reasons without resorting to invasive cosmetic surgery.
• Anyone who wants to jump-start a new healthy weight and lifestyle.
• Those with a BMI (body-mass index) between 25 and 30. Those with a BMI less than 25 will lose less, but can achieve a more sculpted body with firmer toning.
• Men suffering from Gynecomastia (male breasts) can also be treated without surgery or other invasive treatments.
Used with great success in Europe and the U.S.A. We are one of the first clinics to offer this technology in Canada.
This laser therapy is a boon for boomers
As people age, estrogen receptors in the body start holding onto fat in certain areas. This often results in fat deposits that no amount of diet and exercise can remove. The Verju laser system targets belly fat, love-handles , thick thighs or upper arm fat and safely removes fat from these areas without sacrificing loss from the face or bust.
“The majority of our clients are in their forties, fifties or older and are frustrated with the lack of success in getting rid of troublesome fat deposits. Although most are women, we’re seeing more and more men come in for treatments. With our system, they can feel and look their best without the stress and worry of surgical procedures, injections, downtime or discomfort” says Kathryn Smith, Chief Laser Technician and co-owner of the clinic. Kathryn is pleased to offer a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

Results are fast and permanent
The extra bonus to this treatment is that the green light laser stimulates collagen synthesis. This results in the tightening of the skin in the area being treated.
Patients can now end up with firmer, more youthful skin.
Imagine How It Would Feel to Have Your Younger Body Back
Call or email us for a free personal consultation. Together we will determine if Verjú is a good option for you. Phone 905-545-0707 or click the button below
Contour Fat Loss
826 Main St E
Hamilton, ON L8M 1L6